final stretch - day 4

york ave / 73rd st / 77th - 80th st / 29th - 30th st / lexington ave / 17th - 19th st / 9th - 11th st / waverly pl / washington pl

25.22 miles

walking nyc - 14 of 354.jpeg

the marvelous sights: through the window of a car, a man eating a sandwich; mother and daughter side by side; farmers’ market basil peeking out of a red bag; a sweet family playing charades on the subway platform; a lil boy morosely waving goodbye to bushka; a shirt that cut off above the bra; the most lovely children’s bookstore; a store for typewriters only; literal tvs in an outdoor dining structure; a store that only sold stamps, complete with a cat; the rubin museum of art; pippin and housing works on 17th street, reminders of a solo adventure my first year in the city; three kiddos walking a single dog; chisholm larsson vintage posters, wish it had been open; field hockey; and on the subway ride back home, midnight subway construction workers.

i walked with two close friends today, separately, and checked off three destinations: ess-a-bagel (the biggest bagel of my life, and pretty dang yummy); little island (exceeded admittedly very low expectations); and mercury lounge (o the high of live music).

this week has been the most social of my life, and it comes with a tinge of irresponsibility. there are more masks in new york today than there were here a month ago. yet restaurants and music venues ask for proof of vaccination, and i allow myself to be hopeful. for me, an introvert, what would have once been a nightmare has become surreally miraculous, or perhaps i just love my friends.

i thought i had accepted leaving new york city, but i am rather devastated today (and dramatic).

i spend too much time thinking about what others think of me, less than i used to, but still too much. it is a selfish pursuit. this project has made me think about myself (and talk about myself) more than i am used to or desire to. it is almost over.

here i will offer my gratitude:
to my friends who joyfully put up with my antics and joined me on walks,
to my family who teased, encouraged, and supported me daily,
to sean and lisa for reigniting my desire to finish,
to friendly strangers and kind cashiers,
to the bookstores and print shops and galleries discovered,
to the bathrooms i have hunted down across manhattan,

i could not have done this without you.


final stretch - day 5


the final stretch - day 3