claremont ave / tiemann pl / old broadway / 127th st / 1st ave

9.57 miles

i cried today when i read about kati kariko. a pioneer of mRNA technology, devoted to her idea that she could make anything with mRNA, even when no one listened. the speed of covid mRNA vaccine development was miraculous, but only because of the miracle workers who for years tirelessly investigated new scientific questions when no one else would. it could have been so, so much worse.

that the body will recognize this foreign strand of RNA and synthesize and fold the spike protein with no resistance from the ribosome, yet the body will see the spike protein intruder and fight back and make antibodies and trigger an immune response that is ready for battle… i am in awe.


today’s walk was necessary air in the system. these were the spring sights and senses: a butterfly tattoo; birds chirping; an open mouthed babe; a moment of recognition on the sidewalk (thrice); a box of sugar in a window; ‘sweet it is’; someone’s mask on even though alone in a car; a mussel on the sidewalk; a banana on the sidewalk; army people (?); rosy tulips; a magnolia tree in fullest peak bloom; a woman on her bike slowing to gaze at said magnolia tree; a goateed man reading outside of a coffee shop; hasidic jewish pamphlets; an ice cream cone in a chinese takeout box; a family outside of a funeral home; a full playground; a pink tricycle.

around 89th street, when the restaurant names begin to contain ampersands, a suited business woman walked past me. behind her i witnessed a woman sorting cans and bottles from trash bags on the sidewalk. they are always woman, the people who sort the recycling to make a living.

i cannot find the words i would like to today; it has been too long without regular writing.

but i feel i must write because i have turned in my thesis, i will soon graduate and move back to california, i am nostalgic these days yet think new-to-the-city juliet would be proud to see herself now. i am still lost in this world, but i accept this loss more.

every day i am humbled anew.

there are so many humans in this city, each with struggles and joys i could never understand. my friends and strangers surprise me with their capacity for kindness.

as i walk i make eye contact with the babes and toddlers. babes with mouths wide open, the only lips to be seen. the parent and child amaze me.

once a day i wonder where the aliens are.


16th st / 15th st / washington st / barrow st / jones st / morton st / spring st / broome st / dominick st / hubert st


bedford st / prince st / elizabeth st / catherine st / south st