66th st / 64th st / 62nd st / 61st st / 60th st / 59th st
4.43 miles
Summer Solstice by Alex Dimitrov
Again it’s the longest day of the year.
What finds you assumes its place
in the morning and stays.
Like the sidewalk flowers
refusing death in the heat.
Even they see one childhood
is already behind you.
You’ve lived long enough
to be less stunned (and foolishly)
by how afternoon slows like a swimmer
holding anything the sun becomes.
People go in and out of the day—
returning—sometimes with less of what no one promised them.
Nights continue. Love is hard to account for.
This is what summer has always been
and where limerence goes on.
And this is the light that arrives
despite everything. It is the most light.
It will happen more often than you expect.