
605 miles

from september 2020 to august 2021, i walked every single street on the island of manhattan.

it was a momentous year for me, my final year of college and last spell in nyc for a long time. i did not want to take for granted this glorious city, and walking is a way to truly see the sights: the architecture, the history, the people, the food, and of course, the construction.

it was a historic year for the city (and the world), too. the devastation of covid, the lockdown of the city that never sleeps, a cautious reopening, another agonizing surge, renewed restrictions, hope in the form of the mrna vaccine, a city awakening, masks on, masks off, masks on again, the future still unknown.

to be able to pursue this project and to live in this city during a time of such immense and unjust pain, i am tremendously grateful. my ramblings are nothing but my own documentation of how i experienced this year, but i hope that perhaps these walks and photos may be a time capsule of this city and a testament to its resilience.

*the actual mile count of manhattan’s streets falls around 492, but as you can imagine, many blocks were double counted in the course of this project.

*yes, i know that nyc is more than just manhattan. but all five boroughs = over 8,000 miles, and this project lasted but one year.

walk with me!